How to Get a Project Listed on IMDb

Through IMDb

On most any page on IMDb you can click the “update” button near the bottom and submit changes, additional info, new movies, etc (or go here). However, this way rarely gets things listed, unless you can provide copious amounts of information and links to external sites verifying your info.


For free you can sign up for an account on (you can also link it to your IMDb profile). Through their you can submit your film to “IMDb Qualifying Festivals.” As soon as that (IMDb Qualifying) festival receives your submission (it does not have to be accepted into the festival) they will send you an invite code you can use to get the film listed on IMDb. In talking to the various people I know who have gotten films listed on IMDb, this appears to be the easiest route.

  • Note that you will probably have to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $25 – $45 for the festival submission itself (though check into this, because I’ve heard from some filmmakers that some of the festivals–perhaps the American Artist Film Festival–are free to submit to)
  • I think it might also cost like $35 to have your poster up on IMDb, but I don’t think that affects whether or not the film gets listed

This process generally take 4 – 6 weeks, but I’ve seen it take as little as 1 week and as long as…well, I’m still waiting…


Createspace is a website where anyone can sell their creative work (movies, music, etc.). If you post your movie for sale there, you will receive an invitation to list it on IMDb.

Step-by-step instructions on this method can be found here, but basically you just sign up on the website, mail then 2 copies of your DVD, and you’ll receive an email link inviting you to list the movie on IMDb.

A Note on Webseries and TV Shows

It is much harder to get webseries and such listed as far as I can tell. However, it appears that best way to get a web video listed is to have it on a legitimate site like, or otherwise published on the web (preferably on a web series website rather than simply youtube) so the powers at be can verify its existence.


You might notice that IMDb, Withoutabox, and Createspace are all owned by Amazon. ‘Nuff said.

A Note to Filmmakers

Look, I know you’re busy slaving away getting me the color-corrected, raw footage for my reel, but if you’re not going to pay me then I would really appreciate you taking the 17 minutes to get the project listed on IMDb and linked to my account. Besides, it helps you out too. It’s a win-win!

A Note to Actors

Please, for the love of all that is holy, use this information! Send this post to all the filmmakers you’ve worked with. Heck, offer to pay the money to enter it into a festival. You shouldn’t have to do that, but paying a measly $30 to get a project listed on IMDb is so worth it for you. You know all those dinky, non-union projects you did that turned out like crap? Stop complaining about how you can’t use the footage for your reel and GET THEM ON IMDB! No one is going to see the project anyway, so you might as well make it seem like somewhat of a big deal by getting it listed. Thus ends my mini-rant.

**Want more IMDb awesomeness?**
Part 1 in this series details the basics of IMDb and the starmeter
Part 3 in this series discusses how to manage your IMDb profile
Part 4 in this series explains recent updates to IMDb like your Bacon Number

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