Tweetup Sticker

Nice to Tweet You

Riddle: What combines free pool and ping pong, libations, and social media?

Answer: The first ever LA Actor Tweetup!!!

What in tarnation is a tweetup, you ask? Well, it’s a bunch of people who know each other on twitter, getting together in the real world to, as they say, “kick it.” So, get your party pants on, and join us at Busby’s on April 12th to meet some amazing people. The nitty gritty:

Your Hosts






You, silly. And that person sitting next to you. No, not them they’re creepy.
The other person. Yeah, them. They seem nice. Bring ’em along.


April 12th

6pm – the cows come home

(Happy hour goes til 7pm – all beers are $4, wells are $5 and all the appetizers are 1/2 off)


Busby’s (on Wilshire not Santa Monica)

5364 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(google map)

Free parking behind the bar/restaurant.


If free ping pong and awesome people isn’t convincing enough, then how about because
this is a relationship business. Or because you have nothing better to do on a Monday night.
Or because if you don’t come it will make us sad. Really, really sad.


If you would like to join us, please leave a comment below so we can have a head count.
And leave your twitter handle (e.g. @JohnDoe) so we can start following you. 🙂